PCR test at Setolabo is able to shorten your quarantine period
Setolabo is a laboratory designated by Japanese government. You are able to shorten your quarantine period by taking PCR test at Setolabo PCR center when you return to Japan.
※PCR centers at each area are places where you can take your saliva sample, and we send the samples to laboratory in Osaka or Kagawa to process your PCR test.
On a list of laboratories/ medical facilities registered with Japanese government (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), we were previously registered under our main office in Kagawa, However, we are currently registered under the name of each PCR test satellite and PCR center. Therefore, you are able to register My SOS for shortening your quarantine period by uploading screenshot of your negative result email or negative certificate.
Reference: Please see below as your reference. For example, when you take your PCR test at Kagawa PCR center, please search Kagawa PCR center.

List by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Receive your test result “definitely”and “on time”
We often heard that people took PCR test advertising “receive your test results within 3hours” and did not get your results for hours and hours. This delay may effect on your quarantine period because Japanese government accepts your test result by 18:00 to shorten your quarantine period. If you submit your result after 18:00, it will be processed next day and your quarantine period may exted +1 day, +2 days, etc.
We, Setolabo, are a sanitary laboratory approved by the public health center (“Hokenjyo”), government of JAPAN. Most of our PCR tests (95%) are entrusted by the government. Also, available time of your test result is based on our experiences, and we provide reliable tests with appropriate prices.
Click here to find out our PCR centers
※We have different timeframe for PCR tests and result time at each center. Please check our website.
※Due to weather condition which delays the delivery of your PCR test samples to out laboratory, available time of your test result may delay. If any delays are expected, we are normally able to let you know at the time of your PCR test.
We email your PCR test results to everyone by using automatic email system. If you have not received the email of your test result, the cause would be one of them listed below.
①you have not register your information with QR cord which is explained at the time of your PCR test before result time
②or a list below
・registered wrong email address
・in junk mail box
・refused by youre receiving server
・used the same email address with your family members. Sometimes your server sets as “block” the second email from the same email address at the same time.
③or you have not properly submitted your google form you registered. Please make sure you click ‘send’ and answer security questions if it pops up.
We are able to resend the email, but it will be done within our businness hours. If you wish to receive your result without any issues, please register your details earliest possible.