How to take a PCR test

How to take a PCR test


Please book PCR test before you come to the PCR center. Booking website is bellow.

②Before you visit

If you need negative certificate, please do not forget to take your passport. You have to fill your personal information in the application form of your negative certificate.

③At PCR center

Please come to the PCR center on time. Please check the way to the PCR center before you come.

④Get PCR test

After payment, you get PCR test. It takes 3-5min to take a saliva sample.

⑤Apply negative certificate

After PCR test, you will apply negative certificate at the PCR center. The staff will help you kindly.

⑥Waiting for your test result

Your saliva sample is sent to laboratory. You can wait at home. Please check what time you can get your result back at Setolabo website. Each PCR center has different time frame.

⑥Check your result

Please check your PCR test result on Setolabo website. You can access the website from the button bellow.

⑦Recieve negative certificate

You can receive your negative certificate on PDF by email. If you need paper document one, you should visit us again.


1) Setolabo laboratory is a recognized laboratory by OSAKA health center, government of OSAKA and is registered at Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, JAPAN. Those who need negative certificate by TeCOT registered clinic can also take a PCR test at Setolabo PCR center.

2) Setolabo PCR test is “Real time RT-PCR test”, Not “RT-LAMP” or “TMA test”.

3) ONLY “saliva” sample is available. You cannot try “Nasopharyngeal Swab” test here.


>PCR test for international travel

PCR test for international travel

We provide get Valid Format of Certificate of Negative Test Result. You get a negative certificate on the same day at Osaka, Nagoya, Kobe, Hiroshima, Okayama, and Kagawa.